I bought a house a couple of years ago, its on the market over a year and I cannot sell it, I have tried to rent it out but having difficulty. I am due to emigrate soon and was wondering has anyone ever heard of voluntary repsosession and how does it effect my credit rating.
I bought a house a couple of years ago, its on the market over a year and I cannot sell it, I have tried to rent it out but having difficulty. I am due to emigrate soon and was wondering has anyone ever heard of voluntary repsosession and how does it effect my credit rating.
How true is this I wonder - people may expect to pay less, but will they necessarially know that it has been repossessed while negotiating? Is the EA obliged to give this piece of info or is the obligation on the buyer to ask and would the EA even give an answer?
Obviously when it comes to contracts it would become clear the vendor is a bank, but how early in the process?
Above is assuming the house is sold in normal fashion (daft myhome etc), and the buyer is not aware of the history.