Hi Capall,
Good question! Without saying too much, I bought it for all the right reasons but those reasons are no longer in place.
The house could loosely be described as what many people call 'their dream cottage'. It seems that in reality, very few people are prepared to take on that adventure.
Concerns about the long commute and the amount of work to be done to the place were not paramount at the time of purchase, and weren't problematic until more recently when life's focus shifted back to Dublin. Some unexpected and rapid deterioration took place in the house too.
Also, the commuter belt caught up with the village since I bought there and large-scale development has taken place.
This changed the local property market. Firstly, there is now ample supply of cheaper new houses and apartments in the area, meaning a huge amount more choice and the pick of semis, detached etc., all attractively priced and with the convenience of property less than five years old.
Secondly, the area is now flooded with young FTBs and working families who have all the usual concerns like long commutes, childcare, getting ahead at work and their families. These people can't afford the luxury of buying character over the convenience and value of a new place - I don't think character is very high on their list of 'must-haves'.
My house is quite appealing but it's not 'roses-round-the-door' gorgeous like some of those places you might see nestled in the rolling countryside.
These things have counted against finding that particular buyer who can see the potential and who actually wants it.