Volkswagen Polo - new pedal box



Hi All,

Can anyone tell me what a new pedal box should cost???

I have dropped my car into the garage because of problems with the clutch. Basically I was having trouble getting the car into gear without forcing it and it was grinding when trying to put it into reverse... not good!!

The garage rang me and said it needs a new pedal box and it would cost me €600 - can anyone tell me if this is standard or overpriced??

Hi Evelyn

i take it th egarage you dealing with is a VW Main garage.
they are definitly big rip can try Advanced pitstop they may do better deal..even 30% less or more! if you got the time to shop around...
How old is the polo. On a guess there is a hydraukic clutch which has failed.

It should be a small enough job 600 id probably a bit much.

I would say go to an independant gagrage and get a second opinion
this is a very common problem on the polos with a cable clutch it pulls through the bulk head and usually causes the side of the pedal box to coolapse we do alot of these on the polos we usually remove the pedal box and reweld it abit time consuming we usually charge around 200 euro including a new cable
Hey Ford jedi
I have been given a similar quote for the same thing and slightly lower from a local mechanic- your quote for the post below sounds more my budget but i see it was a while ago now. What is your current price for this job? would you be able to carry out the work and if so, where is your workshop?