Vodafone Website


Registered User
Any time I have visited the vodafone website I have found it to be infuriatingly slow. Each page takes several minutes to load, if at all, and more often than not when the page does finally load there is some kind of error message. Has anyone else experienced this or does this website just not like me?

I find it surprising as vodafone are constantly trying to push their customers into using the website wherever possible for services such as upgrading, checking bill statements, changing price plans, etc, etc. Every time I ring the customer care line I am asked "do you know you can perform this service via our website?".

I do recall some discussion about how frustrating using the Vodafone website can be, I dont personally use it myself, but found a couple of threads were people have commented on 'how it has improved'. Not sure if it makes ay difference but it might be worthing checking its speed on two different browsers, IE and Firefox?

Or else start contacting them and constantly complaining about the speed, or now that you have a new entrant switch to Meteor/Eircon?
I have been very close to going bald with fustration at the Vodafone website in the past. My mother used to use the Vodafone mail section because it had text alerts when you received a new message. However because i'm much quicker with using the internet she always got me to retreive the messages for her. After painstakingly dodgeing the rich media ads I'd reach the mail section, only to find it "was'nt working!". We contacted them at one stage and where told "We are currently upgrading our website, it will be fully functioning within as few days"... over 4 months later it was no better and when we rang again - they hung up on us! It was unbelievable rude and ignorant and only served to justify my dislike of monopolistic (Vodafone and Eircom) and semi state bodies (Department of Health, Aer Lingus, RTE, and so on...)

Needless to say, my mum now relys on the fantastic Gmail!
If you are frustrated with it now stay away from it alltogether just after Christmas as loads of people try to register for free credit - friggin nightmare last year trying to register the daughters new phone and that's using a broadband connection !
Cannot access the vodafone website tonight. It is really p***ing me off too!
Works fine for me right now. Are you sure that it's not a local problem with your PC, proxy server, internet link etc.?
Over the four years that I have been using it I have found that the Vodafone website is without doubt the worst performing website for any major company that I have used.

Frequently my logins timeout, other times I get an error message, and even when you do login they have the idle timeout counter set way too low as their system architecture is not scaleable and they need to kick you out of your session asap to free it up for other users.

I have complained about the site via email and phone calls and was infuriated with their response - some junior tech support kid telling me it was the first time they'd heard of it so it must be a problem on my side. I informed them that I have tried it from several different machines and networks and its always the same but they pretty much said 'well if that's the case why hasn't anyone else complained?' which is breaking the golden rule of customer service - value those that bother to complain for there are 9 others that suffer the same problem but don't complain and may just go elsewhere.

I know a guy working in there on the website and he said it is a known issue and they are looking at ways of improving performance but they are not prepared to pay the money to do a complete system redesign which is what is required.

Is there a Poll option here as I'd love to see just what kind of percentage of users of the Vodafone site have experienced this poor performance?
I agree that the Vodafone site is very unreliable and regularly seems to have problems. However it was working fine for me last night when Joe1234 reported problems with it.
this mail is currently circulating about someones recent complaint to vodafones mail service. sums it up really...

Brilliant !! I wonder if there is a central vodafone mail we could all send this to as a quote which each sender confirms their sentiments are represented by?
Couldnt get logged on to the vodafone website at 8 am this morning, but have just accessed it now!!!
I have been down this road with Vodafone also. I gave up sending them complaint emails. And got sick of the same response - that I was the only one with the problem!

I like the text alerts when you get emails and and the online bill service (saves on paper mails) but it's such a hassle. And their customer support is a disgrace.
There are other mobile operators if people are dissatisfied with Vodafone's service.
I have a Vodafone mail account. Yes, sometimes it's unreliable, but it is free (I know that you have to have a Vodafone phone, but people harldy go with Vodafone just for the e-mail, do they), and hence what do you expect? (something for nothing etc.)

G-mail people. It's the way to go.