Visiting USA - possible problem with passport stamps

That is scary... So did immigration let her through after the interview? How long where you in the airport for?
Yes it was scary, we sat to wait our turn and was able to hear every other person being interviewed. Some of them were a near shouting match (the immigration officers were doing all the shouting).
My wife expained her situation to a very understanding chap and he allowed us enter. He recommended she apply for a visa on any subsequent visit. However she went one step further and contact the department of Homeland Security to clarify her case. As I said earlier she now has a letter stating that her file has ben corrected, after providing evidence that she had not overstayed in the US.
Probably delayed us only an hour at the airport, but the experience took a few years off my wife !!!
Thanks Recam. Well no joy ringing Dept of Homeland Security in the US, on hold for ages and its too dear to keep ringin, so we are calling into the US embassy in Dublin next week. Hopefully they will sort out a letter or something for her.

I'll let ya know how it goes! Fingers crossed...

Don't think travel insurance will cover a messed up holiday due to refusal at immigration. Be sure to read the small print!
Don't think travel insurance will cover a messed up holiday due to refusal at immigration. Be sure to read the small print!

You are correct; any travel insurance I had stated that the onus is on you to ensure that you meet the immigration requirments of a country you are visiting. Travel agencies usually give out the same warning.

New Passport, new number, no problem

Won't matter one bit if it is logged by immigration on their computer that this occurred; particularly now that you are indentified by your fingerprints. In your particular case I wouldn't have thought it will be a problem, but I really would want to clarify it before I went.

the immigration office in the US is in such a mess that there's no way they'd track it. just get a new passport and your friend should be fine.

Have to disagree; that immigration computer seems to know everything and if you had issues in the past, it will certainly flag it up.
Hi everyone,
just to let all of ye know how this turned out and thanks a million for your responses!

Well the American embassy were very very unhelpful. My friend decided to ring them to check about her visa before calling in. The woman on the phone was very rude and impatient about her situation and didnt even let her explain.

So as the embassy were no help, my friend decided to ring her previous employers in the States who were really really helpful and actually rang US Immigration for her and checked her passport and I95 details immediately! And she had been recorded as having left the US with no problems.

That was brilliant, if only done that in the first place!!

So we had a fab shopping trip in NY, can't wait to go back again ;-)

Thanks to all of you for your replies ;-)
Wish I'd seen this earlier - I'd have been able to help.

I'm in a similar passport/US visa situation & recently had my first trip to the US since. I too had difficulty getting clarification on if I needed a holiday visa, would be refused entry, etc.

I got a genius recommendation to contact US Homeland Security at Dublin Airport. I called them (they're there until approx 12.30pm) and they were able to let me know what I should do. Definitely cheaper than calling the US and infinitely easier than calling the US Embassy!