Visa debit contactless receipts


Registered User
I got a new AIB card a few months ago and use it about 3 -4 times a week.

I never bothered with the receipts until a week ago when I had a duplicate transaction. It was < €7 but I paid twice for the item.

Do other posters generally take the receipts or not?
Have you contacted the retailer or bank about it? There really isn't any advantage in having a receipt in this case.
I find in many cases the retailers are reluctant to offer receipts especially with touch transactions and, you are asked if you want one, as opposed to it being being automatically handed.
This happened to me a while ago in a supermarket (with a non-contactless card). I asked to see the manager and showed him the double transaction on my online banking app). He initially demanded that I give him printouts of my bank statement which I refused to do. After some raised voices he gave in and the refund was processed immediately.
I find in many cases the retailers are reluctant to offer receipts especially with touch transactions and, you are asked if you want one, as opposed to it being being automatically handed.

I am having similar experiences, but I am trying to condition myself to always ask for one.

Like credit card transactions, or even cash transactions, I like to get a receipt for everything.
I emailed retailer and didn't get a response. I will contact my bank after the holiday.

I am always asked by retailers if I want a receipt when I use contactless, except for the self serve tills in Supervalu which issue a receipt anyway.