visa bill


miller a1

could i get some advice please ,i separated from husband in 2004 i cut up my visa card but he was authorised user and ran up a bill of 2,300 which was last used in 2005 .i have had no correspondence from the bank in last 4 years about this bill even though i still bank there first i heard was last week when recieved solicitor letter that the bank passed on the bill to .i have not lived in previous address since feb 04 ,why would they leave it so long and the bank not contact me first . I received all statements as to where the money was spent would it be worth my while to get a solicitor as the bill was in my name.also my husband closed the joint bank account with out my signature and it my account to start with should the bank have done this
What do you mean by "authorised user"? Whose name or names was the CC account in? Did you contact the bank to cancel the card and close the account or just cut up the card? Did you inform them when you moved from the previous address? If so and they failed to send you statements (assuming that you were named on the account?) then you should make a formal complaint to them and take it to the Financial Services Ombudsman if necessary. Ditto regarding the closure of a joint account without your signature (assuming that the account was not set up for either of the joint holders to sign for things). Presumably you ex is not taking any responsibility for the CC debts and is leaving you to sort it out? Did he also take money from the joint account without agreement? Was there any formal/legal separation agreement with regard to assets and liabilities put in place?
no i never cancelled cc account silly me he was authorised user on the cc bank knew my new address because i still bank with them they sent solicitor letter but nothing else been no legal separation thanks for reply
By authorised user you simply mean that he had a card in his own name on the account?
You never got statements even though the account was in your name? If so then complain in writing to the bank and take it to the FSO if necessary. Ditto, as I have said, for the joint account closure unless this was actually allowed. However if a bill was run up on the CC account then I presume that somebody is still liable for it regardless of you having grounds for complaint on other matters. Will your ex not deal with it and if not why not?