Viruses and Online Banking


Registered User
I know nothing about viruses. recently a message appeared on my computer saying that i needed to clean computer to avoid itt being crashed and prompted me to click "clean computer" following which a security warning came up regarding the file which was entitled " I then closed computer. Cant remember what was on the original warning i think Microsoft was mentioned and three viruses detailed. a friend of mine told me that no anti virus was on the computer and he activated AVG Anti Virus Free Edition 2012. My query is it safe to transact on line banking now. Apologies if all this seems puerile!
It is likely that the virus warnings may well have been bogus. This is a common tactic to get you to install dodgy software. If you have AVG running and it is giving you clean results, you should be quite safe to use any online banking.
Thanks Complainer. Since installing AVG a message came up "Microsoft Security Essentials Alert" which from a google search say it is a rogue website and appears difficult to eradicate.
You should be all right as you shut down the pc and didn't follow or open any links etc.

I would download and run malewarebytes, [broken link removed]

Its free and no harm to run it (scan) monthly regardless of whether your under attack or not.

ccleaner is another tool that should be on everyone's pc, it's not an A/V or anything but excellent for general daily cleanup of your system and cookies etc.

[broken link removed]
Thanks Complainer. Since installing AVG a message came up "Microsoft Security Essentials Alert" which from a google search say it is a rogue website and appears difficult to eradicate.

MSE is microsoft's anti virus programme and many people highly recommend it.

Can you check that MSE was not all ready installed on the pc, and if it is you should get rid of either that or AVG as you should never run 2 A/V's programmes at the same time as they will conflict with each other.
I had a virus on my computer for online banking. It brought up a screen identical to my banks login screen, only after I entered my password, it asked for all my memorial data not just the 3 normally requested. Be careful the first time you log in.