Virus/worm and trojan horse advice needed


Registered User
Hi there.
I keep getting e mails from different sources. They come in under a name eg. message from Karen. Postcard for you.and other peoples names with messages saying the report on his phys exam or your bank details are!!! My avg is picking these up and I delete them straight away. Is there any way they can be blocked from being recieved??
Re: Virus/ Worm and Trogan horse Advice needed

I used to have that problem when I had an account. I changed to Yahoo mail and haven't looked back since. I've heard some good reports from Gmail users as well. There are lots of spam blockers that you could purchase but for home use I don't think its worth it. Once you address has been added to a spam list somewhere the mails will continue to come.
Re: Virus/ Worm and Trogan horse Advice needed

Hi there.
I keep getting e mails from different sources. They come in under a name eg. message from Karen. Postcard for you.and other peoples names with messages saying the report on his phys exam or your bank details are!!! My avg is picking these up and I delete them straight away. Is there any way they can be blocked from being recieved??

The free version of mailwasher allows you to preview emails on the server and delete those unwanted emails at the server, if that's any use to you - I use mailwasher myself and think it's very useful.
Re: Virus/ Worm and Trogan horse Advice needed

Thanks for that I am an listing so I will change over thanks. I will also use the mailwasher.
Re: Virus/ Worm and Trogan horse Advice needed

I think its a bit unfair to blame for spam.I have an address but luckily my Kaspersky AV has an e-mail preview pane similar to mail washer which gives me the chance to delete unwanted or unknown e-mails.I also have a g.mail address which coincidentally receives the same e-mails.It just places them in a spam folder.
How would I put it ? I use the computer would be fairly well up on these type of things but am maybe a bit out dated on soft ware because these things move so fast. Omly got this problen in the last 2 weeks since i played an internet game preloaded on my pc. Internet checkers. Maybe it is something to to with this I have no idea so this is why I seek advice. Have same eircom address for 4 years never had problem before. Perhaps I have not moved with the prgramme as quick as computers have. Just dont want to kill my pc any answers how to block them coming in would be great
Re: Virus/ Worm and Trogan horse Advice needed

I think its a bit unfair to blame for spam.I have an address but luckily my Kaspersky AV has an e-mail preview pane similar to mail washer which gives me the chance to delete unwanted or unknown e-mails.I also have a g.mail address which coincidentally receives the same e-mails.It just places them in a spam folder.

Seems to me these emails have a pattern. If Gmail can catch them why can't eircom catch them aswell. ISPs need to get off their butts and spend more time filtering email. Gmail is far superior IMO.
If ISPs filter your email then there are privacy and false positive issues.
Outlook Express has a facility which allows you to block certain words, phrases, subjects, senders, and works very well once you have taken time to set up your preferences.
If ISPs filter your email then there are privacy and false positive issues.

Email isn't private unless you encrypt it. Never email anything you don't want to see on the 9 O'Clock news.

False positives are a pain but can be managed with notifications and some intelligent filtering.

IMO of course ;)
What about the email headers/metadata though?
You can't do much configuration if the ISP assumes total responsibility for blocking spam.

What about it?

Who said anything about assuming total responsibility?

All I'm saying if you're running yahoo or hotmail, a few million emails with the same basic email body are spam. Why not block them instead of doing nothing with them. Gmail does it.
Outlook Express has a facility which allows you to block certain words, phrases, subjects, senders, and works very well once you have taken time to set up your preferences.

[broken link removed] junk mail filters are very effective at detecting and removing spam from your inbox. Further training of the filters is possible as you mark false negetives as spam.
I use Outlook Via Gmail. Never needed to set up filters. Gmail filters catches 99.999% of stuff.

My other email accounts at work, and via ISP, hotmail etc seem to be spam magnets. I've some knowledge of how to avoid spam and I've uncommon name. But the autobots will eventually generate every email address.

I still say most non spam email will be the email thats most unique, and has the least distribution and from known mail servers. Regardless of how spam is auto generated it all has a common text, no matter how they try to make it different and it will have a large distribution. it has to have those common charateristics to deliver a useful message to enough people. So they best place to catch that is on the ISP before it gets to the users.

Our spam filters at work catch the spam and send you a notification of the header and sender email address thats been caught. You can choose to release it. 95% of the time its right. However people need some skills in how to write email that doesn't look like spam. Most of the false postives we get are personal mail and atachments that people shouldn't be using their work email for in the first place.

A simple trick to avoid some spam is to choose a non normal email name. Something like Sm! isn't going to be hit as much as JohnSmith7 etc. Also use a dummy 2nd email account for registering online for things.
Thank you all for your advice and debates some of them went right ovr my head downlasded thunder? the link that was posted hope it works virus vault has 15 in it after a week get roughly 3 a day. And yes I empty the vault. Thanks to all of you cheers