Villa Cimbrone, Ravello, Italy


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Long shot - but has anyone here ever been to Villa Cimbrone in Ravello in Italy? If so, what did you think of it? Am looking at it as a possible venue for our wedding, but would like to talk to someone else who has been there.
Was there for an afternoon about 4 years ago. Stunning villa, stunning views of the southern Amalfi coast. Ravello is a lovely little town.The only slight disadvantage of the amalfi coast is that the roads are very narrow and some of you guests might find the driving a bit daunting.
You won the lotto I take it?
Ummm I haven't, but quickly realised that I would need to when I got a quote from them this morning!!!

€220/head for the venue hire/meal alone WITHOUT wine/champers/music....


(Sorry wedding organising blues!)
If you're interested in an alternative Italian location, a work colleague got married here and couldn't recommend it highly enough.

(They in turn had been recommended by someone else).