Views on Crescent Hill, Castleblayney - Saltown, Dundalk - Armagh Rd. Dundalk


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I have seen a view properties I may be interested in, has anyone got any views on these areas

Saltown Dundalk - 3 Bed Duplex €225k
Armagh Rd. Dundalk - 2 bed Townhouse (Refurbished) €220k
Crescent Hill, Castleblayney - 2 bed Apartment (First Floor) €200K

Slatown is not a great location to buy in Dundalk, Armagh Road would be a better option.
Slatown is not a great location to buy in Dundalk, Armagh Road would be a better option.

May I ask why Saltown wouldn't be as good area, is it because coxes is quite close? I have a viewing this afternno, is there anything I should be looking out for, I also have a viewing in Woodville Manor, any views on it?
No problems with coxes, but had a friend who bought there and sold within a year, made money yes but moved because she had probs with neighbours quite a lot of rented houses in the area, good luck though, sorry about the late reply.

Woodville Mannor nice houses, sister lived in Woodbury (just next to Woodville) no problems.
Seen the house in Woodville, yesterday, it was terrible... previously rented out to students... looked at an apartment in riverside drive, absolutely lovely, but is €225 too dear for an apartment...
Riverside Drive is a lovely area, although prices may gone through the roof, a friend bought 3 bed in Feb paid 237, same house for sale now asking price 265!

Have you tried Ath Lethan (out beside the racecourse) new development includes apartments not sure of asking price though.
Sorry not sure I googled and a 3bed apart is 345 so quite expensive! there also is 2 bed's if you try google, they have there own website give the name on the delevoper so maybe if you contact directly
the website with plans etc was