Viewing different houses with same estate agent


Registered User

I was wondering if anyone can help me. I am looking to view some properties in Navan over the weekend and have selected 3 that are all being sold by the same estate agent. The prices however are very different over the 3 properties €510K, €460K and €415K. If i am being shown all three properties by the one estate agent and i decide to by the one for 415K would i be opening myself up to being pushed for more money off the vendor of that house if the EA knows i can afford the 460K/510K and can then inform the vendor?

any thoughts welcome?

thanks in advance.
they don't know you can afford more just because you viewed it! Lots of people view houses they have no intention of buying/can't afford almost as a hobby.
Even if they know you can they don't have an automatic right to clear your bank account!You decide what you think the house is worth. you might decide that you like a dearer house but say it is only worth say 10 grand more to you than the cheaper house.
Well I wouldn't think so, although I'm not an estate agent. Who is to say you won't offer €415 on the one with the asking price of €510. Most people these days are viewing houses with asking prices above what they can afford, given that offers well below the asking are being accepted in by many vendors in today's market. I think its only natural that people would want to see and compare all the houses for sale in the one street, to see which offers the best value for money. I wouldn't think this automatically means you have a certain budget to spend.
thanks for the replies. i was thinking that it doesnt matter what house we go see or what the cost compared to other houses is as we might only value them to be so much.
You have a very strong hand here. It's a buyers market. Don't forget that. EAs no longer can push buyers around.