Video to DVD Conversion



Hi, I was just wondering if anyone knows how I can put video tapes onto dvds?
I have some home videos from years ago with great memories on them but I dont have a video player anymore so I cant watch them at all.

Do I have to do it myself or does anyone know of someone who does this?
Im really bad at technology and the likes so I doubt I could do anything too complicated.

Thanks a million.
I am not very technically gifted either, but I managed to do it.

Borrow a Video player from someone.
Hook it up to your television.
Play the video.
Hit record on your DVD recorder.

There is a bit of reading the manuals as there is with the connection of any equipment.

Get a dvd recorder video combo. Hop in your video and record onto dvd. easy job, no messing and it's about the same size as your standard video player
Oh Ok that sounds ok but that would mean I would have to buy a dvd recorder which would be a great cost!
Are there any other ways to do this?
Is there anyone who does it?