video editing


Registered User
Hi, I've posted questions before about downloading video from camcorder to pc. I'm not at the stage of editing it

Can anybody recommend any (ideally free) software for editing videos? Also any online tutorials about video format/resolution/etc...

From what I found so far I think I should decrease the resolution and frame rate?? Any software I can use to do that? The trail versions I downloaded dont let me save the files, and I can't believe there won't be any free simple editing software.

Thank you!
If the content is in digital format then something like or (the free/open source) VirtualDub might be of use. I'm sure that there are many other commercial and free/open source alternatives out there depending on what you want to do so get searching.
While there would obviously be a cost involved I can very much recommend Apples I-Movie package. Needless to say you'd have to buy a mac to run it (mac mini from around €550 and re-use your old monitor, keyboard and mouse) but a more user friendly, intuitive 'home-use' system I have not come accross.
Thanks for the replies! Clubman, I did some searching already, and installed few programs to try them out, but they are either a trail version (can't save) or doesn't do what I want, or if it does it, I can't find it!

Eurofan, I'm only editing short clips for personal home use so don't want to invest in anything too fancy. I already have few PCs at home, no Mac's I admit, but my husband will kick me out if I bring home one more computer

I was hoping there will be a lot of camcoreder users here and I'll see what is everybody else using.
As far as I know Microsoft Movie Maker is a free download and works as long as you have XP (Service Pack 2).