vicious dog


Registered User
There is a vicious dog in my area tried to attack me coupla times, all kids also scared of it. I spoke to the owner and he is just careless. What do I do? Call guards?
Report the owner to the local dog warden, your local authority should be able to direct you to this service.
some people would probably prefer you wait until the dog savages someone - even then they would probably not blame the dog, or even the owner...
I agree.

And if you feel the owner is careless enough to be letting a vicious dog scare people then he would deserve to have it taken away. He's obviously not responsible enough to have a pet.

Why don't you get a few of the neighbours to sign a petition and send it to the local authority?
if the owner has an up to date dog license then warden cannot do anything apart from tryin to use scare tactics

If you know the breed then you can see if it is on the dangerous dog breed and if it is then the owner is breaking the law by allowing the dog out unmuzzled and without being on a lead controlled by a person 16+
apologies having read this [broken link removed] it appears the owner can be fined for not keeping dog under control or dog can be taken if considered a stray
There is a vicious dog in my area tried to attack me coupla times, all kids also scared of it. I spoke to the owner and he is just careless. What do I do? Call guards?
Explain to the owner firmly but politely that he has 2 options 1. keep the dog in the confines of his house or secure garden or 2. you will have no option but to report him. Keep a record of everything you say to him.

Wouldn't they just put it down if the OP did that? - that's awful. :(
A dog wont be put down unless there is actual evidence of an attack i.e bite marks! Yes, it is terrible if the dog is put down, but it will be entirely the owners fault.

apologies having read this [broken link removed] it appears the owner can be fined for not keeping dog under control or dog can be taken if considered a stray
If an animal is picked up as a stray with no identification it wil get approx 5 days in a pound before being put down..prob less if it is aggressive while there.
I love animals..but any owner who possesses an aggessive animal should be kepy muzzled and on a lead (regardless if its not on the dangerous breed list) while out in public and under no circumstances be allowed wander out on the street unattended. If the animal is on the owners property,then warning notices should be displayed and anybody entering the property should be careful!
Not dog, vicious or otherwise, should be allowed to wander on the street alone. I don't understand why such owners get dogs at all.

Apart from the risk to others in the case of a vicious dog, he may well cause a car, bike or motorbike accident possibly resulting in serious injury to other people not to mention himself.

I feel sorry for the dog, and the OP of course.

I wouldn't hesitate to report these people to the dog warden. I love dogs and have one myself but I would rather see one humanely destroyed, if it comes to that, than left wandering the streets scaring children and/or getting hurt in an accident.

Good luck. I hope you get the problem sorted out.

Thanks for all the valuable replies. I'm an animal lover myself, so may not be inclined towards putting down, while a dog muzzle would be a good thought.

He being my neighbour I dont want to end up in serious fight for a dog and at the same time dont wanna get bitten :) . As per people's advice I plan to call the dog warden tomorrow.

If you are looking for the address its found here: [broken link removed] also there are few more numbers as posted in the above link.

Thank you
Off point but I just love that expression 'humanely destroyed'. It's got me sitting here with a big grin on my face!

I guess it's all very humane unless you're the one being destroyed....poor mutts! :)

A particularly evocative word 'destroyed'. Brings to mind explosions, puffs of smoke, burning, fire, mayhem and chaos. But it's nice to know we can administer it humanely...

I'm wandering now, I know, so I'm going off for a wee chortle (another word I like for inexplicable reasons)
a wee chortle (another word I like for inexplicable reasons)

Brings to mind classic comics and their scampish little characters - most of whom have equally impish canines.

I'm certain that's the link here. ;)