Vibrating 02 Renault Megane



Hi all
I have a ’02 Megane (50k) serviced about 8months ago.
6 weeks ago I started the car & it started vibrating like mad (i.e. not just a little bit of movement on the gearstrick but right throughout the car - I, sitting in the driver’s seat, began vibrating…). That - plus – an orange light (something in the shape of a sideways bulb) came on on the dashboard.
I took it to a garage & he told me 2 coils needed to be replaced - he did so at a cost of €180.

I don’t really drive the car that much & only drove it about 10 times since. Then about 5 days ago the exact thing happened again – vibrations + orange light with the only added difference I noted this time was that when I pressed on the accelerator – the car really wouldn’t go over 60mph (In the first time – I only had short distance to travel so I wouldn’t have noticed if this was the case first time round).

I needed the car the next day so I took it to the garage again.
Again he replaced coils (said there were 4 coils & in total now he had replaced 3 (2 the first time & 1 now) – the 4th one, he tested and was fine). [This time he charged €170]

Really, I would like to ask – has anyone had any experience with something like this before??
Obviously I, like everyone else, doesn’t want to get ripped off - so what do you think of the solution & the costs as described above??

Any thoughts are most welcome..
I had a similar problem - it was the landa / lamds sensor
Caveat - thanks for that link - my first time going on that site - its excellent (and mentions about the coils as something to watch out for - but it does say get all 4 replaced & not just one or 2 so looks like I might be going back to the garage)
If i do have to go back - Anyone think I have a case against the garage for them to do it for free for not realising all 4 should be done at one time????

Stephenkelly - cheers, If I have go back will mention this too
plain and simple - a coil is gone. Coil will cost 70e and take 10/20min to replace by a mechanic.

Some garages reckon that all 4 should be replaced when one goes, I don't go with that... Your garage man probably wasn't able to figure out which coil was gone so just replaced all 4.

Also don't let this go on for long, you are effectivly running on 4 cylindars, you have fuel that is not being ignited properly which will destroy the cat converter. Also the rocking back and forth of the engine, can do damage to engine mounts, loosen up components etc.

It is concievable that 2 coils went in such a short period of time, just unlucky, but 3 I kinda doubt that, I reckon he just wasn't able to figure out which coils were gone the first time. Was a bit easier when they went a 2nd time..
comanche - thanks for the info on how much they would cost & time required for this. That & the logic re. finding the coil all makes sense.

Thankfully I needed the car both times so really didn't do much or any travelling at all - I'd say only about 5 miles in total (over the 2 times this has happened) while the vibrating was there (getting home from where I was + going to garage near me)

Thanks for all your thoughts & advice on this