VHI , Should I change plan?


Registered User
Through work I have vhi paid for me , when I first joined the company it was Plan B as standard that all employees were on within the company. Now all new employees are automatically put on the Lifestage Choices plan which gives hospital cover and day to day expenses.(Family Plan plus). I have the option of changing over to Lifestage Choices if I wish to do so , My husband and I are looking to start a family as soon as possible and invisage I will need a lot more GP visits etc this year onwards ... Is it worthwhile moving to the Lifesage choices plan ? I am worried that if I move that the hospital cover I will then have will not be as good. I am in good health in general .
Biggest difference between two plans is that lifestyle choices don't cover you for Blackrock Clinic or Mater Private. Are you claiming your tax relief on the contributions paid on your behalf by your employer as you are entitled to do so.
On the tax relief issue see these Revenue FAQs:

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Thanks these are great articles - will review and make up my mind using these.