depends on your policy with vhi. if you are looking to claim back through the rsi system you can do this - under EU Reg 1408/71. This is the law governing patient mobility and under this reg. citizens have the right to go to another eu member state and receive treatment and be reimbursed in accordance with the level of provisions in national law. For example, if you go to the uk for a check-up and get work done - you can claim back from the dsfa the costs of the check up, cleaning and in relation to the work done - if that treatment is fully covered down here under prsi then they have to reimburse you for this treatment. Also of note is that you dont need prior authorisation from the health insurer to avail of your rights under patient mobility. The healthcare must be ambulatory ie. outpatient and not an inpatient in a hospital. The dsfa's website gives details of the right to travel under the treatment benefit scheme.