Health Insurance VHI plan for elderly - Advice needed


New Member
My elderly mother (78yrs) was on a VHI plan “HealthPlus Extra” and when she enquired with VHI to reduce her premium to a cheaper plan, they put her on the “AdvancedCare 50 day to day”.

Profile details: She has a Medical Card (for medicines, GP visits). Has a pre-existing condition - she sees a Consultant 4-5 times a year for checkups (kidney transplant, Beaumont - 110 EUR per visit); Diagnostics (by GP usually, blood tests 20 Eur per test; 55 Eur when done by the hospital); ++ Would need to have knee & hip replacement cover for the future. Given the age & situation, moving provider from VHI not an option. Would need a solid cover.

Q1: The “AdvancedCare 50 day to day” table of benefits states “70 EUR (with an excess of 100 EUR)” for the consultant fee - is this per visit?
The consultant costs 110 EUR per visit, so she will pay the first 100 EUR each time & can only claim back 10EUR per visit? Is this correct?

I was looking at VHI plan “Company Plan Extra Level 1” and it says “75% (unlimited consultant visits)”. Is this not a better plan? is it for Individuals like my mother)?

Q2: the “AdvancedCare 50 day to day”- are orthopaedic procedures, knee & hip replacement covered at 100% in a private hospital? Or does the “Company Plan Extra Level 1” better?

Q3: the outpatient policy limit is small on the plan “AdvancedCare 50 day to day” - 2000 EUR (Separate out-patient excess of €100 applies to consultants) versus 4000 EUR for “Company Plan Extra Level 1”. Again, is it it not better?

If you can advise the best alternative given the profile above?

Deadline is 5 Feb for VHI
Deadline is 5 Feb for VHI
If that's her renewal date then bear in mind that...

1. Even after taking out a policy there is a 14 day cooling off period during which the cover can be cancelled or replaced
2. Only if there is no cover in place for more than 13 weeks do waiting periods have to be (re-)served
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No. The first €100 of all consultant visits is not refunded but after that up to €70 is refunded. So say she has three visits at €110 each she'll get...
  1. Visit #1 €110 minus excess of €100 = €10 so €10 refunded
  2. Visit #2 €70 refunded
  3. Visit #3 €70 refunded
I was looking at VHI plan “Company Plan Extra Level 1” and it says “75% (unlimited consultant visits)”. Is this not a better plan? is it for Individuals like my mother)?
Be careful of getting too fixated on day to day expenses cover at the possible neglect of more important hospital/procedure cover.