Health Insurance VHI advance care100 day to day


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Renewal tomorrow.
Was on Health Access (1968.07 or 174.73 per month) now been told that is discontinued and moved to Advanced Care 100 day to day and it is now €2460.52 or 205.04 per month. Told if I down grade I need to wait for 2 years for pre existing if I want to change to a higher plan. Also I have been told I can only claim back the last 2years at most of any expenses I have had which is news to me as I thought I had more time. Just uploading medical invoices now to see if better staying where I am.
Had a back operation for discs so want that covered. Possibility of needing work on heart value in many years to come but not sure. Living in Dublin. Do not mind having to pay towards operations if needed. Happy for some day to day cover if needed. Pregnancy cover would be helpful.
Any suggestions would be welcome.

You have a 14 day cooling off period but have cut it fine.

Looking here the time limit seems about right. In light of the fact that it at one stage was restricted to 3 months the new range is a lot better. A friend was turned down some years back because they did not meet the 3 months limit.

Comparing your policy shows there are a lot of excesses and the day-to-day is not great with a limit of €2,000. Sometimes your cover can be concentrated in a more beneficial manner for hospital stay rather than day-to-day but not sure that this is the case in that policy. One benefit is that you do appear to have the full 100% ortho/ophth but you do mention that this is not a necessity.

In light of your requirements for your health issues if it were me I would get professional advice on which policy would be best. Its a high premium and you want value for your money. You should speak to VHI, Laya, Cornmarket, (fee based) or perhaps others.
I just submitted 985euros of receipts for dr visit, blood tests, acupuncture and was refunded €90.00!! Not a very happy person. I have been sold the wrong policy last year and now this year. I paid an extra €450 for this policy. They did not accept a blood tests due to the phlebotomy company due to 'ladies practices' was the word!! This is a company that provides blood tests and is very quick returning the results. I contacted Cornmarket and they suggested one for Irish Life but it looks like it is not comparable. Cornmarket were really hard to get through to.
I contacted VHI and the guy I got through to was so snooty. He said he normally works in sales but this policy is the best one. The one the competitor is inferior!! Those was his words. I paid extra for this policy by about 450 and only got 90euros back.

I am day 8 of the 14days. If I cancel now and then sign up next week with someone else or them would I have to wait for 14weeks before I could apply? Sales man from VHI said I would have too.
Also who do I complain too about VHI being sold the wrong policy?
I just submitted 985euros of receipts for dr visit, blood tests, acupuncture and was refunded €90.00!!

The policy you claimed under would be the now disappeared Health Access so it is not possible to view your cover for that either on the HIA website or the VHI Table of Benefits.

They did not accept a blood tests due to the phlebotomy company due to 'ladies practices' was the word!! This is a company that provides blood tests and is very quick returning the results.

Its quite hard to understand your point here but it would appear that you had your bloods done by a private company which is generally expensive and AFAIK not covered by VHI. The private hospitals can do bloods but are very expensive too and AFAIK also not covered. I understand that having your bloods done in the public hospitals through your G.P. would be far cheaper.

Your new policy would appear to allow the following for G.P.:

€30 x 12 visits; Practice Nurse - €30 x 12 visits; Vhi Online Doctor - Full cover x 12 visits (no annual excess, no annual maximum)

so perhaps that is where you got the €90.00 from, if that cover was the same on your previous policy.

On your new policy the acupuncture is the same:

€30 x 12 combined visits.

As time is of the essence in light of your 14 days I would recommend calling them (You can also call us on 056 444 4444, Monday to ...) asap and ask to speak to a Supervisor/Manager and go through your complaints regarding the claim and your dissatisfaction with your cover. No point in using their Complaints Form as that would take too long.