Vexatious & false allegations about me to the council "vebally abusing children"



Neighbours have made false allegations about me to the council that i have been vebally abusing children. These are completely without foundation and are a result I would think, of my complaining about dogs messing garden.

The council say the do not have to tell me who made these allegations. Can FOI give it? If not can i take any legal action to get the names? Will the council policy of allowing someone to make false allegations anonymously stand in court?

The council says they are awaiting to see if the liars will give details before proceeding to investigate. What should I be doing in order to defend my self, do i need a solicitor?

I want to get the names and get maybe a solicitor to write them.

How much would it cost?
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Get yourself a solicitor, they charge somewhere between €100 and €120 per letter.
Would the lies told to the council be criminal offence and can i ask the Gardai to investigate. Lawyers are expensive and I want as much research done as possible before I go to one

The council anti social policy is exempt from FOI so is there any other way to get the names.

Is there a process called discovery?

Is a policy where one can make false allegations and not be named in breach of constitutional rights. would it stand up to legal challenge.

If the complaint was made to the Gardai the person complained about would know who said it.
Hi ST,

Did you shout at the children when their dog messed up the garden?

The legal framework for the operation of the anti-social behaviour policy is :
• Housing Act 1966
• Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1997
• Housing (Traveller Accommodation) Act 1998
• Freedom of Information Act 1997
• Residential Tenancies Act 2004

Can you ask the council to give you a written copy of the procedures they employ when accepting, investigating and enforcing their anti social behaviour policies?

Hi ST,Did you shout at the children when their dog messed up the garden?
no never spoke to kids about it. complained the owners to council. never ever verbally abused kids. only contact with kids is when they ask me for their ball from garden which i give no problem and when the ask me to sponsor them in events like walks etc
Can you ask the council to give you a written copy of the procedures they employ when accepting, investigating and enforcing their anti social behaviour policies?
awaiting it it is based on housing act 2009 they told me
They say names are exempt from FOI Act but i have made request anyway