Veterinary Q Have lovely friendly 9month King Charles: Shivering in the morning?

Re: Question on my dog.

I would go for a ***** but have her spayed; would also have the male neutered. Just makes life easier all around.
Re: Question on my dog.

Points taken lads and lassies, thanks very much. A girl dog it is then! Woo-Hoo! here I come ... yay!
Re: Question on my dog.

Would you think of a little rescue dog. You could give it such a good home. If you look up any of the rescue sites and have a look at the little ones they need homes for you'll see how lovely they are.
Re: Question on my dog.

our wee cav used to shake after she came out of the bath, could have something to do with the cold? i see you haven't got the answer to the question would be nice to find out why this happens
Re: Question on my dog.

I would reccomend a rescue dog also we have one and he is a dote! No problems what so ever and we are delighted with him, he was a terror at first, when he was a pup but they nearly all are - and we appreciate the lovely dog we have now even more because we know what he was like as a pup.
Regardless of anything I would not pay a breeder for a dog there are too many out their homeless that need homes, and I would most defo have all dogs neutered.

Re: Vetenary Q Have lovely friendly little 9month King Charles: Shivering in the morn

This is strange because today in the car we actually spoke about it and decided that we'd go for a rescue dog. I don't know the process though as looking on the net tonight any of the dogs shown on the websites seem to added a long time ago. I suppose the best things to do would be to take a trip down there and go and look at them.
That will be great if you get a rescue jj. Sounds like it will be a very lucky dog. I reckon though some of the dogs were added a while ago they probably still don't have homes got for them. It usually says homed on some of the sites anyway. There are lots of sites up there trying to home dogs and also a trip to the pound. Good luck in your quest.