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Hi All,

My dog (9m.o. collie x retriever) has a mysterious complaint. He won't eat !! the vet has had him in for 5 days and is no closer to the cause. Bloods came back ok (no organ damage but slight inflammation somewhere), x-rays clear, no fever, bright and alert but lethargic and sad looking.

Does anyone know a website where I can investigate myself ? Google gives about a million results but the one thing that throws them all out is the fact that he has no fever....

Any help welcome.

hey should google ur dog under the breed.
as some dog have a different genetic make up.
sounds like hes depressed.has anything changed around him?
can be both people and surroundings?
if u really worried.try a different vet as some people do.

Be careful on these websites, it's very easy to worry yourself with all the illnesses listed. At the moment my own dog is exhibiting the same symptoms, she stopped eating and generally wasn't well - did blood tests yesterday - not colitis, vet now thinks it's a higher up infection possibly intestines - it's just hard to pin down. Vet also thinks she may have kidney stones or liver problems - have to wait a week for results. Did your vet test for Thyroid problems?, did vet take urine sample. Her symptoms sound like they could be Thyroid. Are her gums a dark colour? Also is she drinking water - if she is give her electrolytes in the water - I did this with my dog and she perked up overnight. - Bloody dogs have me worried sick
I'm kinda thinking he could be depressed but god knows why!! We moved house a couple of months ago and got married too which he was kenneled for (with his brother). He was fine after all that though. Thought he had kennel cough then as he was coughing and throwing up foamy water and brought him to the vet, got anti-b's and brought him home. Tried to feed him and he wouldn't take a bite.
Unless the trip to the vet reminded him of the 'snip' !? If so, the past 5 days are gonna do more harm than help....
My wife now thinks it could be "Hypoadrenocorticism" or "Addisons disease".

Confused !!!

also, try the dog with just chicken and boiled rice, if she has inflamation somewhere then she should be on antibiotics - mine is on a 7 day course until vet can find out where the inflamation is.
Thanks for the site link !!
Yep, we're leaning towards a 'glandular' problem. He's drinking water. Gums are pink, not dehydrated. He ate the other night and the next day just picked up the same food (chicken) and dropped it again. He's been on anti-b's while in there but not intravenously, just a jab.
Don't think the vet took urine samples. not too confident in their abilities at this point tbh...
yeah i know your pet is the luckiest as he got a good owner like you.
you can bring the dog the the VET hospital in UCD if u are running out of solutions, and they have all the best equipment there. but need to remind you that they may be expensive.but its all worth it for the love of your dog.

The urine test would be very important (so my vet told me) - My dogs bloods were fine but it was the urine that indicated the inflammation and possible liver problems - she did the initial urine test in 6 hours - the more in-depth one will take a week to do - I would bring the dog to a different vet if I were you - has vet said anything about diabetes? - that was what she initally thought for my dog but not so! - food wise - try the science plan or royal canine sensitive food in a can for a week - my dog really liked this. Best of luck and let us know how dog is
I would try another Vet too, and like an earlier poster said, do let us know how it goes.
We brought him to another vet on Saturday as the first place told us to take him home on Thursday, no better than when we brought him in.

Queued up at the vet for 2 hours on Sat in the freeeezing cold (forgot me coat !!) and then the vet rtefused to even look at him 'until I can contact the first vet as a matter of professional courtesy' !!!!! He hasn't eaten damn all in over a week !!!! He might be dead by Monday you &$£%@! Professional courtesy me ar$e, more interested in the politics of the local vets than the wellbeing of sick animals you hypocrite !!!

She would not even look at him, nor offer an opinion, nor look at the blood tests, nor even suggest a convalescent food....nothing !!!!

We brought him home and offered him Liga with milk...the next thing he threw up the most horrible watery, sticky dark green mess....I thopught he was gonna die there and then. I rang the &$£%@ back and she said "can you bring him to the first place you had him" !! Ah, no....they're useless, that's why I left !!!
Anyway, he nibbled away at a Jumbone after that...amazingly!!!! Nowt since.... Maybe thinking now that he has an obstruction in his intestines. All that crap that he threw up might have been supposed to go the other way but couldn't ? There were long blades of grass in it too, which made me think that one was stuck in his oesophagus, hence making him reluctant to eat and after puking he ate again.

However, he's now not eating again. Makes me think it must be a bowel/lower intestine obstruction/twisting.
He hasn't had a poo since Thursday either, so summat's up !!!

I'm sooo frustrated. Bringing him to a 3rd vet this evening, this time in Derry. Maybe a UK vet will actually have a wee bit of concern and knowledge...time will tell...
yep, you good good/bad VET in this country, good luck to ur doggy
Oh My God. The poor little soul. That sounds horrendous. I really hope you get some answers soon before things get worse. I swear by the vets on Malahide Road If you email Fintan Browne urgently and say Claire of [broken link removed] (that's me)
recommended you do so, he might give you some advice. He really is a very caring vet.

Let us know how you get on.

Well unfortunately...bad news.... Chewie was euthanised last night after the vets diagnosed him as having a probable systemic shunt of the liver. First blood tests that I brought from the original vets set alarm bells ringing. They took their own blood tests and the lab came back asking for a bile sample. That was done and the results were sky high. His liver was apparently huge and at 9 months old he looked like a 12 year old dog. This all happened in 3 weeks. 2 weeks was faffing about with the original vets who knew damn all !!! I'm sooo pi$$ed off with them!! My poor boy was helpless for 2 weeks with them while they were saying "take him home and see how he gets on". Was in tears last night after I buried him but at least he's not in pain anymore.
RIP Chewie....
oh man.poor Chewie.hes now in good care of god.hope u will be ok soon mate!
and my long gone dalmatian buddy will look after Chewie as well


I'm sorry to hear about your vet experiences and the sad outcome.
Take care.
