Very old state loans from the government of China and Russia


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So is there any value in pretty old government loans?

So I have 2 types of paper bonds dating from 1909 and 1914. One is a Chinese 5% state loan of 1914 and the other is a Russian 4 1/2% State Loan of 1909...

As anyone come across this before? Is there anyone you can recommend that I can contact to follow up on this?

This is probably very far fetched but you never know :)
Contact the respective embassies, but as both governments changed radically in the 20th century, I'd say you might have a hard time trying to get a few bob for these, other than perhaps on E bay as a curiosity. I have two huge Russian notes from 1909 and 1914 , I wouldn't part with them, I love the historical value. Now if someone offered me a million I might get over my reticence!
I think you'll probably find that they are pretty but may be not worth a lot. I have seen similar Government Bonds going for between €50 and $200. Esentially, and I'm not an expert by any means, the problem of a couple of Revolutions got in the way and bond holders were told to get stuffed. Sounds like in idea eh given our own predicament :) There was something I read about an agreement to resolve years ago but you'd have to do research on that. Best value is probably from an antique dealer. Probaby a more interesting story would be for you to find out how your family acquired them and then frame them as a talking point!
Thanks Woodie and Horusd for your replies! Glad to hear that you have also come across this. Was thinking ebay if they are not valuable!!! Otherwise I'll have todo a lot of research for a good story if I decide to get them framed!

Woodie you are probably right, the Chinese and Russian government may have told their bond holders to get stuffed...hence why I have these paper bonds now. Pity that Ireland is not doing the same:)
Woodie you are probably right, the Chinese and Russian government may have told their bond holders to get stuffed...hence why I have these paper bonds now. Pity that Ireland is not doing the same:)

What, putting the country into the hands of genocidal Marxists? :eek:
