VERY dissatisified with my Solicitor



I hope someone might help me with this.

I decided to approach a solicitor regarding a personal case. I was harassed in work by the MD & became quite ill as a direct result and have been put on anti-depressants.

Throughout the meetings with my solicitor I now see him as an odd fellow, professional yes but odd, unapproachable & I feel like a child when I need to ask questions.

Our meetings are not friendly in any shape or form. He makes me feel like its an endurance test for him to sit in front of me & handle my case. He's a good solicitor & is well known, but I cant help feeling intimidated by him. I feel stupid when I talk.

We are now at the stage where I have signed my affidavid & it has been sent to the courts to be given a Record Number and put into the queue.

Can anyone advise me if I can change solicitor at this late stage? And what would be involved in doing so?

It might be better to start from a slighty different angle and consider the possibility that the difficulties might not be all on his side. Communicating is after all a 2-way process.

Do you have someone who can accompany you and give an objective opinion on your difficulty?

This person might also be able to facilitate better communications between you.

This is not to say that the problem does not lie with your solictor but if he is good, it may be worth the effort to repair the situation before taking the nuclear option.
I don't see why you couldn't. I've had similar dealings... I'm of the impression 'old skool' solicitors are inclined to talk down.

Find a solicitor your own age and sex maybe?
With all due respect, have you considered that you have worked with him to this point and if you say he is good and you think he can achieve the desired result why not just stick with him.

You could end up with another solicitor who is very friendly etc. but might not get the job done!

Changing solicitors may also result in additional costs.