Very bad behaviour at Mass for First Holy Communion.

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I attended a Holy Communion on Saturday and was appalled by the behaviour of some attending.

Now I know to some religion is not important but is 1 hour of decency too much to ask?

I observed people talking constantly throughout the Mass, popping up at various times and taking photographs in the most obtrusive manner, texting away on phones and my favourite, a person giving a relative the finger when said relative photographed them - during the Mass.

It was so bad that for most of the Mass, I could not hear, never mind see my little relative.
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Re: Holy Communion/Behaviour in Mass

Was at a Christening recently and thought the same thing. Most of the groups there were like they were going into Hello Magazine and were cackling away making it impossible to hear the ceremony in any way. They were not really interested in what was going on, only the photo opportunities.

I would not be the most religious of people and don t frequently attend at mass, however, I feel there is a certain level of respectful behaviour that should be observed in a Church.
Re: Holy Communion/Behaviour in Mass

A major reason is that many of the people attending are not regular worshippers, and simply don't know what constitutes appropriate behaviour. Unfortunately, they don't care either.

I have a slogan which I post from time to time in travel groups that I frequent: one believer at prayer outranks 1,000 visitors.
Re: Holy Communion/Behaviour in Mass

I am not a regular attendant at Mass but anythime I do go I am shocked at the noise, compared to what it was like when I attended regularly up to my late teens.

Nowadays there is constant noise in the Church, but I suppose it is just a sign of the times when people have very little manners or breeding, and we are now saddled with the generation who think they have the divine right to do whatever they want, whether it bothers other people or not.
Communion was in our church yesterday - 48 boys and girls. Today at Mass the priest stated 45 boys and girls made Communion last year but on the following day, Sunday, 7 went to Mass. He said it looks like less are here this year.
At a relatives Confirmation a few years back most people did adhere to the Priest's request to turn off all mobile phone except for one group of girls/young women in the row in front of us who seemed to be texting each other throughout. After putting up with a few minutes of listening to their phones going off the Priest stopped the mass, walked down to the offenders and asked them to either turn off their phones or leave the mass. They were suitably mortified and we didn't hear a sound from them for the remainder!
Re: Holy Communion/Behaviour in Mass

That the ceremony, held in Catholic and other Christian churches, commonly referred to as a "christening" is actually the sacrament of Baptism.

I still dont see how that makes a difference to behaviour in the Church.
Re: Holy Communion/Behaviour in Mass

That the ceremony, held in Catholic and other Christian churches, commonly referred to as a "christening" is actually the sacrament of Baptism.

Why be pedantic and take the thread off course?

If you have nothing constructive to add, don't post.
Re: Holy Communion/Behaviour in Mass

That the ceremony, held in Catholic and other Christian churches, commonly referred to as a "christening" is actually the sacrament of Baptism.

There are common use names attributed to many religious events/items. I don't see how this is relevant to the thread though.
Communion was in our church yesterday - 48 boys and girls. Today at Mass the priest stated 45 boys and girls made Communion last year but on the following day, Sunday, 7 went to Mass. He said it looks like less are here this year.
The obvious solution to this is for the Parish Priest to step down from his role as school patron, and hand over responsibility to an independent community trust. Religion can then become an 'optional extra' like ballet or swimming. Those who want it can choose it. He is then much more likely to have the same number making their Communion as attending mass the next day.
Another equally-obvious solution is for parents who do not wish to raise their children as Catholics to be honest about it, and not present their children for communion.
Another equally-obvious solution is for parents who do not wish to raise their children as Catholics to be honest about it, and not present their children for communion.

I agree. If the sacrament is meaningless to you, why hijack it and turn it into an excuse to dress your kids up and have a party. Its hardly fair on practising Catholics, for whom the ceremony is important, to turn up at the church and then just treat the whole event with a complete lack of respect.
Thank you, I agree.

If people want a "Shameless" type "christening / communion" party, go to a pub.

The above two posts answer questions about my being off-topic, pedandtic, irelevant, etc.

If the communion preparation was done outside the school I think there would be less children presented. I can imagine the outcry however if such a thing was even suggested!
It always amazes me how people who never bother to attend Mass and contribute nothing towards the upkeep of the Church, are always the first to start dictating what the priest can and cannot do in relation to Communions, Christenings/Baptisms etc.
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