verbal abuse towards children




We are having terrible trouble with our neighbour he is a 53 year old man and he is intimidating my 11 year old daughter every chance he gets, he stands in his bedroom and watches her playing so now she wont go out. He sends his son out to curse and yell up at her bedroom and she is called names out their window when she walks by the house and today he walked straight up to her while she stood chatting to a friend in my garden and said 'what the **** are you looking at' and walked off calling her names. The guards say there's nothing they can do? What can I do, how can I protect my child? We are selling our house because of this man! Any one any ideas?
Make a diary of all the occurences that have already happened, Document the entries and bring them to a decent solicitor who will act on your behalf and advise you of your rights and also on what course of action you might be able to take.

Also inquire from your brief if you should make an appointment with the local superindendent.
Have you tried recording any of it?
Get your daughter a phone with a video recorder and tell her to record him every time he comes near her.
Thanks for that reply mercman, I have been keeping a diary of the stuff thats been happening and I will consult a solicitor, I didnt go down that route because the guard told me there's no law that can protect me or my child in a private estate, can you believe that! The only thing i could do is collect evidence and get an ASBO but even at that there is no guarantee it would be granted , and then he steps it up a gear and attacks my child or gets his son to attack her . I am not willing to take any chances. I feel like a prisoner in my own home at the moment and im sure my daughter does as well , she has barely crossed the door all summer , we only living here 10 months .
the guard told me theres no law that can protect me or my child in a private estate.

Sounds like Ireland in the 50s and 60s run by the Church. Go for it and I hope your purpose is served and your neighbour get what is coming to him -- Damn Bully and Pervert.
as i keep telling my daughter a man that shouts and screams at women and children is only a coward and is not to be feared !!! u hit the nail on the head there hes only a Bully . thanks
Well what the garda told you is BS for a start! Go back to the garda station is my advice, and talk to someone else who actually wants to do his job! Make a complaint if you have to. This is clearly a matter for the gardai.

Go down to the station with the history of what has happened. Show it to the Garda on duty. If he says there's nothing that he can do, ask him has he understood what you have said. If he says yes then tell him that you want to either speak to his superior and/or make a complaint. What this person is doing is not right, the Gardai are there to help. The Gardai is like many organisations, there are a lot of very stupid people in it just tyring to get by and have keep their job as easy as possible. you need to push harded, if you find the right Garda or you raise a complaint you wil get action.
well i have to say the garda really did their job today , my daughter was physically attacked while standing outside our garden(no provoking) by the mans son . the father came out and said 'well done son' so i rang the garda , he was around in 5 mins and was extremely nice and very helpful , he listened to everything and looked at my little record book of all the incidents, he then went over to speak to the family and deliver their last and final warning . if anything else happens after this its an Asbo !!!
Well done ginac. Unfortunately I don't think you have heard the end of this piece of scum. Keep us posted
just had a little laugh earlier as he had complained to another station about my daughter looking out the window with binoculars she got for her bday ,he assumed the guards wer coming to warn me but the guard said 'looking out the window is not an offense' but wat he's doin is ...i would have loved to be a fly on their wall ... :)
Kate is right. There is plenty the guards can do. Probably just a very poor guard you got. Keep at them. If she was assaulted, final warnings dont come into it. What a shocking situation. Best of luck
Thought it was odd having it in LOS. Didn't notice it was moved. Why is it a LOS topic? Didn't notice any ranting. Could have been closed rather than moved.
Thought it was odd having it in LOS. Didn't notice it was moved. Why is it a LOS topic? Didn't notice any ranting. Could have been closed rather than moved.
+1. This sort of low level intimidation is not uncommon. It would have been useful to know how it progressed.
+1 for me too. What's the story with this being moved?

+1 for me too - there was no 'letting off steam' in this thread - it is a scenario that happens to people and it would be useful if the OP could continue to post so the outcome would be known.
Have to agree with other posters about the moving of this thread. Asking a question regarding the safety of an 11yo daughter as a result of a neighbour's actions and the reaction of the gardai to same is hardly letting off steam.