Venice, Lake Garda


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I have booked 4 days to Venice but have been told that thats too long, that two days is sufficient, and maybe two days elsewhere, has anyone any suggestions, I was thinking Lake Garda as we can get a train direce (so I am told), any suggestions much appreciated.
I am going end August
its never long eough in venice, we stayed for 4 days in May 2 years ago it was amazing

you can get a 3 day pass it was €21 when we were there and we just spent the time hopping on and off boats, sipping coffee and wine at little off the beaten track cafes

its a very relaxing place with the water lapping about I would love to go back for a week
If you are a couple/adults, you'll have no problem passing away 4 days in Venice....probably abit long with kids (your nerves would be shot....very busy & all those little laneways). If you are going in the height of summer, bear in mind it gets very busy, smelly & hot....but you can hop on a boat-bus and go to the beach. And unless you win tonights Lotto, don't go buying coffee on St Marks Sq.

You can take a train from Venice to Lake Garda (Peschiera)...don't forget to stamp your ticket on the platform!
Verona the amazing amphitheatre and medieval bridge and Padova (Padua) also on the train route - you'll find 4 days isn't half long enough ...
train journey to Peschiera la garda from venice is only a couple of hours. Had been to Venice before so just did a day trip last summer from our base on in Peschiera. definitely worth visiting the lake but you'd need a good few days there to really appreciate it.
Peschiera is a good base as most of the ferries on the lake stop off there which not the case with every town
Lake Garda is nice but the southern end of it isn't that spectacular. Its much more interesting at the northern end where the lake is surrounded by mountains.
At the risk of sounding like a Phillistine, we recently did a half-day trip to Venice (at the recommendation of our local holiday rep) and found that to be as much as most people in our group wanted. We had 4 adults, 4 teenagers and 1 under 10. We arrived there (as suggested to us) at around 4.00 pm when most tourists were finishing up for the day and leaving, so it became much less busy, took a long water taxi ride right down the Grand Canal, had picnic in the Gardinieri (sp?) then strolled back up from there to the train station, taking in St Mark's Square, a meal, drinks, the Rialto bridge, etc, and took the 9.45 pm train out of Venice. I'm sure we missed lots, but we also saw and experienced lots, and really enjoyed the visit there, but we had other things to do too and time was short. No regrets!