I've made a purchase on line using my credit card. The company in Germany whom I made the order with, have come back and asked for a faxed copy of my credit card,front and back with the middle 8 numbers blanked out as well as the security code on the back blacked out.
They also want a copy of the top of a statement from that cc to prove my address.
I have no problem with a firm using stringent security measures. I was wondering if anyone had experienced this before and if it's kosher so to speak.
I believe the firm is reputable and know others who've had no bad experiences with them.
Sounds ok to me. The last 4/6 digits of your credit card are frequently displayed on web pages when buying online, what use are they really? Same with your address, I'm sure it's in the phonebook.
One thing you might want to check is that the fax number is genuine? Also, ask them why they want these details (is it company policy?).
I don't see too many obvious risks, but I'm sure the more paranoid among us will!!!
Thanks a lot for the feedback guys, that's very helpful.
I think I'm becoming more paranoid myself. To a certain extent I feel all online transactions are a security gamble. I feel safer with a waiter disappearing for 5 mins with my card than I do online.
I've also had this before from a German company when buying over the net. AFAIK they want a copy of the card to prove you have the card (and it's not stolen) and a copy of the statement to prove that it's you who receive the bill.
You should only need to do this once, the next time you order from that company your details will be on file and your order will go through no problem
There is a logic in they asking you to fax them a copy of the card. Most credit card fraud is perpretrated over the phone and in the majority of cases the 'criminal' does not have access to the card itself - just the number. By faxing a copy of the card and the statement address the vendor is increasing their chances that they are dealing with the genuine owner of the card. REMEMBER: Don't ever give your PIN to anyone.