Vendor refusing to close


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Conveyance question

Contracts for sale signed and exchanged with 10% deposit paid and closing date has passed by 6 weeks. The vendor is refusing to give a closing date. Standard law soc contract with no references to closing date in the special conditions so standard terms apply.

What can the purchaser do? Purchaser is slightly out of pocket but this isn't particularly important.
Well, if it is any comfort, you might be able to ensure the vendor is out of pocket as well. The purchaser might be able to deduct storage costs and alternative accommodation costs from the purchase price. Your solicitor will be able to advise you of your savings.
Ask your solicitor about issuing a completion notice to the vendor. We had to do it as vendors to the purchaser a number of years back but I'm not sure if the purchaser has the same power to issue one but I cant see why not as contracts are signed and exchanged.
Looks like the only way of doing it is an action for specific performance. I'm not the purchaser in any event and have passed on the information.