Hi all, hope someone can shed some light on this for me.
Me and my patner back in August agreed to buy a home and we put an offer in. It was accepted late September, told by my solicitor to get everything ready i.e house ins and life policy terms of Mortgage as we would be ready to go mid November. The provisnal contracts came over a few issues nothing major sent them back. The vendors solicitor goes on a missing list, finaly got in contact with him second week in december to say that everything was fine. still no contracts arrived, the day before we broke up for christmas my solicitor rings me to say that one of the vendors doesn't want to sell (Personal issue).
I already activated my life policy and home ins when we were told that everything was ok as terms before mortgage drawdown.The cheque is gone back bank. Can i do anything to get my money back or for time wasting on the vendors part.
We are now living back home with our parents as we sold our other property on the basis that we had somewhere to move in kind of straight away.
Me and my patner back in August agreed to buy a home and we put an offer in. It was accepted late September, told by my solicitor to get everything ready i.e house ins and life policy terms of Mortgage as we would be ready to go mid November. The provisnal contracts came over a few issues nothing major sent them back. The vendors solicitor goes on a missing list, finaly got in contact with him second week in december to say that everything was fine. still no contracts arrived, the day before we broke up for christmas my solicitor rings me to say that one of the vendors doesn't want to sell (Personal issue).
I already activated my life policy and home ins when we were told that everything was ok as terms before mortgage drawdown.The cheque is gone back bank. Can i do anything to get my money back or for time wasting on the vendors part.
We are now living back home with our parents as we sold our other property on the basis that we had somewhere to move in kind of straight away.