Vendor has pulled out, can we reclaim for costs from them?


Registered User
Hi all,

we are/were in the middle of purchasing a house and this morning we have found out that the vendor has pulled out of selling the house to us as he is not going to pursue the purchase of the house he was supposed to buy. i dont know the exact reason why he pulled out of buying his new house but he has decided to do so which has had a knock effect to us.
anyway we had instigated the services of a solicitor on our behalf/mortgage broker and surveyor. the surveyor had carried out the survey of the house already last week. we had not signed contracts for the puchase of the house and neither has the vendor.
what i want to know is can we claim for expenses that we have spent on buying the house from the vendor? the survey cost €485, i dont know what the legal costs/brokers costs are as of yet as were due to pay them when the mortgage check was drawn down however i am going to ask.

i assume that since no contracts were signed we probably have not got a good claim?

thanks for replies in advance
Hi Burger1979 afaik you have no come back for costs etc but I'd be pretty sure they've saved you money in the long term. Depending on the area I'm sure there are plenty of houses available now cheaper than what you were due to pay so your probably making a killing!
we had instigated the services of a solicitor


what i want to know is can we claim for expenses that we have spent on buying the house from the vendor?
I doubt it but you should ask your solicitor for his/her opinion.

yeah no come back, so down €485 yo's. bummer. the house we were going to buy was pretty cheap anyway for the type (one of the cheapest in fact) so unless we can come to some arrangement with the vendor it looks like its back to the drawing board and searching the web again.

thanks for the replies.