Vendor delaying closing, not ready to move out.


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Vendor has signed all up to closing. WE have to sign contracts.

Loan cheque drawn down on Monday (had to drawn down before today).

Now vendor has informed his solicitor that he has to go away to the States on work for two weeks and is not ready to move out till 18th February.

Any advice please.

I am very close to loosing my tempter here. the vendor wanted a quick sale, could have closed before Christmas, didnt happen, Could have closed after christmas didnt happen - bank couldnt find title deeds. And now this. Its been one thing after another.

Our solicitor told us to ring Estate Agent and get them to put pressure on him to move out.
That's pretty much about it.

You can put a closing date in the contract when you sign but the vendor would have to agree to that date. It is only when that date has been passed that you have a stick to beat him with.
It is only when that date has been passed that you have a stick to beat him with.

Trust me its not a stick that I will beat him with. I dont endorse voilence but sometimes people need a kick in the hole.

I rang the Estate Agent and told them the craic, who informed me that he has bought the house that he is upgrading to, therefore get the f*k out!! They said they would ring him to put pressure on him to sign. I threaten that if all comes to all that I will be forced to pull out from the sale.
Get your solicitor to serve a Completion Notice claiming interest from the closing date.
"up to closing" to me means that they still have to sign the closing contracts.
I have it sorted.

Ringing the Estate Agent done the trick.

The Vendor didnt realise that we had to draw down the mortgage early or lose it as we would have had to apply for the mortgage again and would not have not received a 100% mortgage the second time around due to a change in lending critea by the Bank.

He was not informed of an exact closing date by the solicitor.

He didnt know that he was causing an inconvenience by delaying the closing.

He said that if we give him the weekend, he will move his furniture into his new house.

We are using the same solicitors office (small town), two different solicitors, and it has become very clear that the two solicitors are not talking to each other. I will not be using the same solicitor again as I have spent most of the last three months running around making sure every thing was done.