There was no date inserted in the contracts. The vendor's solicitor suggested 8th May, which was o.k. with my friends. Then about two weeks later, the Vendor's solicitor said they could not close until early July due to the Vendor's house not being ready; then it was that the title deeds for their new property were delayed. However, friends found out through ea that the man's wife was not well and they did not want to move down the country while wife was still attending hospital appointments in Dublin; then ea asked if they could rent the house back off my friends (the pruchasers), and, as you can imagine, my friends said no. Contractually, my friend's solicitor send the contracts back with the 10% deposit to the Vendor's solicitors, but the Vendor's solicitor has not sent them back. My friends' solicitor then said that if the contracts were not signed by end of May the contract would be null and void, and demanded the deposit back. However, Vendor's solicitor seemed to ignore this and has so far refused to return the deposit. The vendors know that my friends children are starting school in the area in September and there is a rush on them to get settled before school starts - one of her children is only starting school in September. Yes, there are other houses in the area, but it would probably be impossible to arrange to buy one now before August/September. Any one ever come across this problem. Again advice really appreciated.