velux lights or subscope?


Registered User
velux lights or sunscope?

Has anyone got sunscopes or velux lights installed or both? What is best and what are the disadvantages/advantages? I want to lighten up a bungalow.

Is a sunscope the bubble thing on the roof that brings light down through a chute (like a periscope) into a "landlocked" room? My neighbour has one of those in their bathroom since they lost the skylight chute after converting the attic and it works pretty well. At least, I was impressed.
The solar tube works well alright but doesn't add to the appearance of your house externally. I'd opt for a new Velux product- which basically looks like a normal rooflight from the outside but uses the solar tube idea (flexible aluminium tube/ duct) to funnel light into otherwise dark spaces. It'll cost a bit more bit does look far better. You can also include a light fitting in the tube which can be turned on at night. Paul Geoghegan is the Velux rep in Ireland, they used to have an office/ showroom on South Leinster Street.
Carpenter said:
The solar tube works well alright but doesn't add to the appearance of your house externally.
The one next door to us is at the back of the house (I presume, like Velux windows, planning permission is required for adding these at the front?) is quite discreet. It took me a while to notice it even after the neighbours gave me the tour of the inside.
ClubMan said:
I presume, like Velux windows, planning permission is required for adding these at the front

Quite correct, however I still think the Velux option is more attractive (it's slimline and doesn't break the roof line). However a problem with both products is cleaning, after a number of years the glass/ polycarbonate will get quite dirty and access for cleaning is a big problem.