VAT when buying appliances in Northern Ireland


Registered User
Can somebody clarify this for me. I believe that if I am registered for VAT in the Republic and purchase goods in the North that I do not pay VAT on the sale. i.e if a cooker is priced at 1000 sterling inclusive of VAT I will be charged 830 sterling- Is this correct? Am I missing something?
if you have a valid vat # you are entitled to a zero rated vat transaction from any other EU country, so yes you wouldn't have to pay vat on it.
1000stg -17.5% leaves you a cost of 851.07stg

Whats to stop you from giving them any old vat number to get your discount...who's to know...
not that i'd condone anything illegal or anything but just wondering what are the checks and balances for this??
Under UK law, in order for a sale to be zero-rated it is the responsibility of the seller to ensure the VRN quoted is genuine. They can do this by way of contacting Revenue & Customs direct. They must also ensure that the VRN belongs to the person to whom they are selling and must also ensure the goods are exported within 3 months otherwise they are liable for the VAT that would have been incurred. The onus is on the seller so generally they wouldnt/shouldnt just accept any old VRN quoted to them by someone who wandered in of the street. They generally would conduct some background checks to ensure they are not landed with the VAT bill if the number turned out not to be valid/genuine.

I hope this helps.
you must also declare this at the end of the year on your VAT return as it is tracked interstate
To Parnell, Re Vat enquiry
A vat registered person in Republic, can buy goods for his business in UK or elsewhere in EU, vat free, if he supplies His Vat registered number. However he has to account for that vat in his records, by including it with his sales as an import and charging vat on it at appropriate rate. Of course, he can claim a vat input credit for it in his Purchases. Vat Guide gives details of how goods, purchased in other EU Member State, tax free, are to be treated. My line of work is taxation.