missc - I don't know whether you're crazy or plain brilliant. Every second agent is closing and you want to open. You deserve success !
I'm unsure why you'd want to open on a main street and yet specialise in niche markets, but you seem to have researched it and you may have found the answer that eludes the rest of us...
Have you done your homework re the barriers that the government put in place ?
e.g. 4% of your estimated turnover must be in the form of a bond. that is ,for every million you sell you must give a 40 grand bond (cash, bank-bond or similar) to the govnt. Plus they want to see a start up capital roughly equal to 4% of estimated t.o.
(I assume you've read aviationreg.ie and got the leaflets from them)
In any event, fitting out a shop, the first years rent and the cost of one other member of staff would cost between 70-100k depending where you are.
That's besides paying yourself and other running costs -from legal, accountant and other fees, ESB,phones, computers.
You must be willing to spend/risk 100.000 euros in that first year -if you reasonably sure you'll get it back in first year sales that'll be great. Otherwise ......
As regards the VAT issue -if you're not involved in sales to EU countries it's not so bad. Sales to EU destinations involve costs and paperwork.
The ITAA seminar this week was too short and everybody was a bit too stunned to ask the right questions -and thus the speakers may not have addressed the issues that concern agents - but hopefully the one on the 22 nd will have better prepared speakers and agents.
...so. how much will you pay me when I close my main street shop and come to work for you as an aged part-time consultant ??!!
Seriously, contact me if you need any info, advice -or just an old travel agents opinions.