VAT Return EU Goods


Registered User
Ok I've been doing this for the past year and I think I might be doing it wrong! I buy in goods from the EU, they have my VAT no. so I pay no vat to them. I read somewhere that I have to do a contra entry. So I calculate VAT on the sales and then include that amount in my purchases and input it into the field T2 and then I include the same figure in my sales amount put it in the T1.

I then put the value of the goods in the field E2.

Good God tell me it's right?
Purchase from EU (Intra-community Acquisition, I make short for this as IA) is subject to self-charge of vat.
1. VAT on IA should be calculated at the same rate as product falls in Ireland
2. This VAT is VAT due on IA.
3. T1 is sum of VAT from Sale and VAT due on IA.
4. VAT due on IA can be claimed back.
5. T2 is sum of VAT paid on purchases and IA VAT.
6. Totals net are going to E fields respectivelly

There is example on Revenue website for such situation. I quote it here:
Example 1
A trader runs a TV shop in Dublin and is VAT-registered. The trader buys 20 TV sets at €250 each from a German manufacturer. The German company ships the goods to Dublin from its depot in Frankfurt. The German company invoices the trader for €5,000 and does not charge German VAT if it quotes the trader’s Irish VAT number on the invoice. The Irish trader makes an intra-Community acquisition of the TV’s in Ireland and, therefore, must charge themselves VAT at 23% (i.e. €1,150 being €5,000 @ 23%). The trader will include the €1,150 with their output VAT (T1 box on VAT 3 return).

As the goods were purchased for the purposes of their taxable supplies, the Irish trader will also be entitled to claim an input credit for the €1,150 by including it in their input VAT (T2 box on VAT 3 return) on the same return. When the Irish trader sells the TV’s VAT is charged to their customers at 23% and is paid over in the relevant VAT periods.

Two taxable events occur viz; The intra-Community supply at zero per cent for which the supplier in Germany is responsible and the intra-Community acquisition at the appropriate rate in Ireland for which the acquirer is responsible.

Example 2:
Assume the trader in Example 1 has the following transactions as well as acquiring the goods in question in January 2013.

Sales of €28,569 @ 23% = €6,570. The trader accounts in their January/February 2013 VAT return, for a total amount of VAT of €7,720 i.e. €6,570 VAT charged on own sales plus €1,150 VAT due on ICA's i.e. €5,000 @ 23%.

Purchases of €9,524 plus VAT of €2,190. The trader can claim additional input credit of €1,150, i.e. €5,000 @ 23% in respect of VAT on ICA's so total input credit for this VAT period is €3,340, i.e. €2,190 plus €1,150.

The trader's liability for January/February 2013 is €4,380.

In such circumstances the trader has no additional liability, in respect of the VAT on the ICA.