VAT registration


Registered User
I think I need to register for VAT as I'm being charged VAT on a service I will be using, I'm in internet marketing so for those that aren't familiar here's how it works basically

All my advertising expenses are with online companies based outside of Ireland (North America and Europe mostly).

All my income is derived from North-American companies. They wire the money internationally into my bank.

What I do can be defined as 'Affiliate Marketing' or 'Performance-Based Marketing'.

I basically make my money by sending leads to companies via online ads which I design and run myself.

A 'lead' or a 'sale' is defined on their end and I have no ownership of the product / service that is being promoted, I simply just help drive traffic to them via my own paid advertisements.

They do not hire me to do this explicitly. My profit margin is derived in the difference in my advertising spend and various other expenses to host pre-sell pages etc.. and the commissions I earn from the network who deal with the owners of these 'offers'.

To summarize:
-I spend money on advertising (my main expense)
-I earn commission for valid leads that my advertising provides (my income)
-The difference between these two and various other expenses is my 'profit'.

Everything so far is not within Ireland and is all abroad.

Some of those advertising companies where my expenses are charge VAT @ 23% (Plenty of Fish ads is one) but they provide a field where I can enter a VAT ID.

So how does this work out? Can I register with revenue to get a VAT ID and perform a VAT charge back is it?
Also would my income(Commissions from the US) be considered a zero rated supply of services?
Craig did you get this sorted?

I'm in the exact same boat and am unsure where to turn with regards to POF and VAT registration.

Dropping you a PM with my Skype and Email so maybe we can bump heads some time soon and find the best solution for us UK folk.