VAT on electronic supplies to EU customers



Hello, I wonder if someone can confirm the below for me please?

My intention is for my Irish company to sell online access to a database, to customers in other EU countries.

Am I correct in thinking that this is is considered a Fourth Schedule service and normal Fourth Schedule rules apply, i.e.:

1. VAT Registered EU Customer: If I am supplied with a valid EU VAT number, I zero rate and they account for their purchase on a reverse charge basis

2. EU Customer, but not VAT registered: Irish VAT applies

I am particularly wondering if the 2010 VAT package changed the above in any way.... I’ve looked on Revenue’s site and I don’t think so, but if anyone can confirm I'd be very grateful.

Thanks in advance! G

Yes your thinking is correct. You can also safeguard yourself by verifying your VAT registered customers on.

Can't post the URL as I don't have 15 posts but it is customs/view/