Variable or Fixed rate in the current recession?

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Might be going for a mortgage soon so does the general consensus that variable is better in the long run than fixed rate hold true in the current climate!?
The whole fixed versus tracker/variable rate issue is covered in many existing threads which are relevant regardless of economic climate. Try browsing/searching for them.
How do you know I didn't search for them already!? - thats how I found out most advice here points to variable as being better.

I didn't find anything relevant to the current climate though, hence my post.
How do you know I didn't search for them already!?
I didn't say that I knew. I was going on past performance - i.e. new posters posting almost identical questions to your own without reading previous relevant threads first.
- thats how I found out most advice here points to variable as being better.
Actually you mustn't have read them very carefully so because the general consensus is that if you can afford not to fix then a competitive tracker not a (standard) variable mortgage is best in the long run.
I didn't find anything relevant to the current climate though, hence my post.
Economic climate is largely irrelevant in my opinion. If you can afford to go tracker or variable allowing for some fluctuation in ECB rates then you should go for the most competitive rate of that class available to you.
Actually you mustn't have read them very carefully...

Well the threads I landed on suggested differently - I don't have time to search and read all threads, who does?

Have you ever considered that people may not want to or know how to best search a site/forum and would prefer if someone replied!?

Also, having a post at the top of the list and refreshing a topic is wise on a forum. Its also wise to promote extra content and views on the same topic instead of just searching old stuff that might be irrelevant now.

I'm not stoopid!

PS - please don't kick me off for arguing on a forum you own!!
Well the threads I landed on suggested differently - I don't have time to search and read all threads, who does?

Have you ever considered that people may not want to or know how to best search a site/forum and would prefer if someone replied!?
The body of threads/posts built up over the years is a very important and useful resource especially for somebody in your position and asking the question that you are asking. If you are not interested in being pointed in the right direction of useful information then why bother posting on a public discussion forum!? :rolleyes:

I don't own the forum by the way. Brendan does.
If you are not interested in being pointed in the right direction of useful information then why bother posting on a public discussion forum!?

Em, I posted a question didn't I - isn't that proof I want to be pointed in the right direction. Aren't forums for posting as well as searching?

I know a lot about websites and forums being in IT and lots of people get overwhelmed by the amount of info that comes up on a search. Posting is the easier option.
Theres lots of lazy people online, get used to us buddy!
Theres lots of lazy people online, get used to us buddy!
Clubman has politely tried to point you in the right direction, if you decide not to be polite in return you may find that other's are not inclined to reply to your queries.
In reply to your query I prefer fixed rates and don't like trackers. I prefer the peace of mind of the fixed. What is best for you depends on your circumstances and your ability to withstand rates going up as well as down.
I'm with Clubman & Bronte on this one. If Askaboutmoney was a service where the posters were getting paid for replies, perhaps your arguments would hold some water. But it's not. Nobody gets paid on Askaboutmoney - people give up their time for free to answer other people's queries in a spirit of sharing knowledge. If you're going to be lazy (your word), why should someone else help you?
You guys are amazing, how the hell is this site still up and running!? All I did was post a comment and hope for an answer - the primary function of a forum is it not? If I don't have the time to search I shouldn't have to - If no-one bothers to reply to my lazy post then theres no harm done.
In the long term variable is better.
It smooths out your payments so you will feel the pain when mortgage rates go up but you will get relief when rates come down.
Don't try and time the market, if you can afford to stay on a variable rate then do so (if you can get a tracker then all the better).

(and stop being so argumentative ;))
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