Variable Mortgage Rates Set to Rise?


Registered User

Looks like BoI are testing the water for reaction to the prospect of increasing rates for variable mortgage holders. Personally I won't be suprised at all to see them raised by most banks (save PTSB). I think this illustrates the importance of stress-testing your own repayment capacity with rates of 5/6% at least to cover a "what-if" scenario.

I think this is most interesting for the political implications. The government has tried to make a big show of bringing the banks to heel (well, in certain cases) with limited success. Are they going to roll over on this? There are inherent contradictions in restoring a profitable banking sector and pursuing populist policies when it comes to how those banks set their rates (I am aware of the added element of state ownership), and this will have to be acknowledged.

Variable mortgages are a problem. They have always seemed strange things to me - should they be phased out?

Interesting that Boucher also mentions repossessions (currently at minimal levels).
Hi Bugler

I made this very point to the Oireachtas Joint Committee on the Personal Insolvency Bill.

If they weaken the banks' security on mortgages and if they blackmail them into debt forgiveness, that the banks will adjust their prices to account for this.
