Value in sofas..?


Dr Moriarty

Mrs Moriarty feels we need a new one... :rolleyes
Probably leather, large-ish three-seater.

Don't suppose anyone's seen any good deals, near Limerick or with delivery? Have had a look in Argos, Instore, Reids etc. but nothing particularly 'grabs' me, at least not sofa... :rollin
land of leather in N.I. - not exactly near limerick but good value
Yeah, I know, sueellen — should probably go for a "tummy-tuck" and then just sew the leftover skin onto our old couch... (should stretch to a 3 + 2 + 1, at this stage!) :rollin

Natch, I'd already checked out those two key posts before posting this...

Are you trying to spoil my thread? I'll report you to a moderator, one of these days...
Hmmmm Doc,

Just wondering ... why do you call sueellen Natch? Is it a Limerick thing?

Marion :hat