Valuation on Existing property


Registered User
I need to have a valuation done on my house as we are extending our mortgage for an extension and attic conversion. Could anybody recommend somebody in the Dublin area that can provide a written valuation reasonably promptly and let me know of the likely cost? It's a 3 bed in Dublin.

Is it possible to just get a free valuation from an estate agents and supply this to the bank or will it not be of sufficient detail?
AFAIK you need to get a valuation carried out by a list of your lenders approved valuers, usually the local big named real estate crowd, usually 130-150 and depending on your lender refundable upon draw down of mortgage.
The lender doesn't organise or even supply a list of pre-approved valuers. It's BOI.
Maher Gleeson in Terenure did mine. For about 130 and very promptly and efficiently. Sherry Fitz and DNG in Terenure both said they were no longer doing them. Call any of the local estate agents, they'll tell you if they are doing them and how much.

It must be in the Bank approved form i.e. a drive by or back of a cigarette packet figure won't do - they want to know anout any previous planning issues, general condition, etc.,etc.
