Validity Period changed after sending a text - will this stop text being delivered?


Registered User
Big OOPS! I just sent a text to my son's phone in error ( nothing bad, just about his birthday gift for next week, intended to send to my OH) As he is at school his phone is switched off so has not been delivered.

I had the validity period at the default maximum but went back in and changed it to 1 hour (after I realised what I had done) but I can't work out if this would only apply to texts sent after I changed the period. Does anyone know if it will now cancel after the hour or because I sent it before I changed the VP it will deliver when he turns on the phone - which won't be until 12.30 at the earliest with any luck ( assuming he will turn it on at lunch time)

I think the default is 7 days, same as email and I would imagine the text would have taken the value you had set at the time of sending ..... You could send him a few more texts about his gift, but change the gift in each one to mess with his head a bit so he might get kinda of a surpise
To answer my own query.. thanks to a free period, I know it got delivered...