Valencia V Seville


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Thinking of a weekend trip to Spain, and having visited Barcelona and Madrid previously, Id like to see Valencia or Seville.

Can anyone recommend one over the other?

Id be interested to hear from anyone who's been to both.
Valencia is on the sea and has a beach, loved the old riverbed converted to a park. Have spent more time in Seville, beautiful city too, a couple of hours by bus from atlantic beaches. Either would be great for a 3 to 4 day break. Both are much more Spanish than Barcelona, Malaga or Alicante.
Both nice cities - you rally cannot go wrong no matter which one of the two you choose.

Seville has the largest " Old Town " in Spain but the food in Valencia is better .
" heat in valencia compared to Barcelona and Alicante was insufferable...."

YES, you will need Air Conditioning during July and August in either City.

The mid day siesta is observed in both cities.
The Juderia area, Santa Cruz and the Cathedral were highlights of Seville.
Valencia is noted for its Paella.