V5 documents problem - Opinions/info?


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Hello Everybody,

I have a deposit paid on an A4 I had hoped to collect it at the weekend, however the AA inspection today while he rated it 9/10 he pointed out the garage (main dealer) has mislaid the V5 documents. I am trying to stop myself from smelling a rat. I dont know anything about these documents only that they should go with the car like a tax book here.

I've spoken to the garage and I've told him I'm worried, he has said they dont give these to customers anyway they merely send them to the DVLA to register them in the new owners name and then the DVLA will return it to me. He said they will need a copy of my ins to tax the car in my name - he kept telling me that they were a main dealer etc

They have the car a while and its not taxed, obviously I know why now.

I would appreciate anybodys help here.



hate to burst your bubble, but it seems that the V5 document is required to be in your posession when you are registering the car here in Ireland.
On boards.ie, I found a link to an Irish site that was set up to help people when importing cars from the UK - there is an article about a missing V5 document - [broken link removed]
( read both articles on the page)

By the way, even if the dealer says he doesn't normally give the V5 document directly to customers, but sends it to the DVLA instead, then how does he even propose to even send it to the DVLA if he hasn't got the V5 document in the first place????


Thank you so much I found that a great help and Im a a little less ignorant now. To be fare to the sales man he probably wants to make a sale and doesnt know the first thing about selling for export. (As I know little about importing - but I do know a bit now I have to say!!)
I will quiz him up tomorrow, but thanks again you may have saved me lots and lots of tears.

You need to take the V5 doc with you when leaving the garage! There is a section on it to complete if the car is being exported from the UK and only this section is returned to the DVLA, you get the remaining sections, numbered 1 to 8 I think, spread over two pages.

You CANNOT register the vehicle here without these sections of the document. Some garages will claim they have it in another office or need to return it to DVLA and wait until your payment has cleared until they send it on. A main dealer may be more reliable than elsewhere but its not a risk I'd like to take.

If you can't see the ORIGINAL V5 doc (they have a watermark) and take the relevant sections with you when you collect the car then walk away, there are always more cars to buy and if one seems particularly cheap there's usually a reason why.
Thank you so much for the info because I was and still am a bit ignorant with regard the system across the water, but this help is brilliant.
I got the checks done by the AA the data check and the inspection (more expensive one) - is that the same as the HPI. - From what I have seen I A data check did that for me.
I will keep you all posted.
Thanks again.
Can you not simply wait for the V5 documents before collecting it. That puts the pressure on the garage to get them.
Yep aircobra Im thinking along the same lines, I got the AA inspection report this morn all is satisfactory except for:
V5 documents + service history (but i think they go together)
Master key
Radio code manual & books not seen.

All related to security am I right?(or maybe just things people loose)

The inspector could only bring the car for a short run 5miles as opossed to 10 so could not see if the car would have anything wrong at a sustained speed, also the car was dirty he says and only saw a minor scuff or 2.

I suppose this is ok except for keys, doc's & V5, I havent spoken to him yet today but I will have a few ?'s when I do.

Thanks again, its all fun (not) better to know now.
