UTVtalk - 1891 numbers still charged to eircom?


Registered User
I've asked UTV this twice and they still haven't answered me... :\ I signed up for UTVtalk a while ago and expected all calls to be billed by UTV and only line rental (in the absence of single billing - still being processed) payable to eircom. However, on my latest bills I find that 1891 internet calls are missing from the UTV bill but are present on the eircom bill. Now, I know that the charges are no different but I was wondering if this is the norm - i.e. that on UTVtalk some calls (such as 1891 internet calls) will still be billed by eircom?

On a related topic - has anybody else found UTV's support for their telephone and internet packages somewhat unresponsive? :|
Yes the same thing with me. Eircom are still charging me for 1892 (internet-related) calls and utv aren't. The 1892 number I was dialling is related to eircom.net and perhaps your 1891 one is too. Perhaps they are allowed to charge for these??
Thanks - the 1891 number in question was [broken link removed] mentioned . As it happens I could only get connected about once in every ten or so attempts so I don't really use it any more.
Might it be something to do with the fact that they are not talk phone lines.
Taken from the UTV Talk FAQ:

What happens to my Internet calls?
If you have a `pay as you go` Internet service and you dial an 1890 number, UTV Talk will carry your call as usual.
If you have a flat rate account with UTV Internet, e.g. UTVip XL, you will be charged by UTV Internet as normal
If you have a flat rate account with any other ISP (eg. using a 1891 or 1892 number) these calls will not be carried by UTV Talk and your ISP will continue billing you as normal
Switching to UTV Talk will not affect your agreement with your existing broadband provider.
Quick Link - u.tv/talk/search
If you have a flat rate account with any other ISP (eg. using a 1891 or 1892 number) these calls will not be carried by UTV Talk and your ISP will continue billing you as normal

Thanks for that. The confusion arose because I do not have an account with elive but I get the gist now.
I believe non-geographic numbers (18xx) can only be carried by Eircon.

This sucks, because they still can send you a monthly bill with all the marketing bluff about Mrs Ryan who switched back to Eircom for their wonderful value.

Any legal people know if you can sue Eircon for Harrassment - beacuse this is effectively what they do when you leave them!
Give Comreg a shout - isn't there something which says they can't contact you re: changing back for a certain period (3months?)
UTV do carry non-geographic numbers - looking at my bill they at least do the following:

On the point about eircom, after switching to UTV I had numerous phone calls from eircom until I warned them never to phone us again.
Now I've had them call to the door 3 times in the last week!
Theres no stopping them!
I believe non-geographic numbers (18xx) can only be carried by Eircon.

No - in line with what fm says UTV already bill me for 1890 internet dial-up access calls.

Give Comreg a shout - isn't there something which says they can't contact you re: changing back for a certain period (3months?)

Well, I still have a contract with eircom for line rental since single billing from UTV is still being processed so I doubt that eircom are breaching any rules in this context. At least I am not being charged over the odds or on the double for the 1891 calls but I'd prefer not to be paying eircom anything and have UTV bill me for everything.
I changed to utv internet/talk in Sept and found the support great never got a call from eircom since I changed perhaps they dont bother with west of ireland people!! have to say my phone bill is half what it used to be as I make use of the free calls after 6pm and weekends long may they last
Just to follow up on the support issue - UTV eventually responded to one of my support queries about a week later. Good to get a response but seems like an awful long delay for an online support response.