As I said earlier in this thread I have the 2mbps Clicksilver bb package ( unbunbled ie no line rental or UTV talk included) at €22.99 per month . I discovered the other day from their website, by accident, that the 2mbps package is now costing €16.99 per month , excluding any introductory offer for new customers. I e mailed support for confirmation of the lower pricing and was told :
"Thanks for your email, I apologise for the delay in response.
You can migrate to the new Clicksilver 2MB tariff at 16.99 per month however you will begin a new contract and will not be able to avail of the initial 3 months promotional prices. This offer is for new customers only.
If you wish to migrate to the new Clicksilver 2MB tariff all you need to do is confirm by reply that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions of the service.
All terms and conditions can be viewed at :
These reduced prices may have been advised to me at some point in the monthly e mail I receive from UTV, letting me know my bill is ready , but I have to confess I seldom read the whole e mail
- these lower prices may well have been available for months :mad:. The important point , as was the case with price reductions in the past, and what this thread was originally about, you won't
default to the lower prices - you have to sign up for them presumably because you are entering a new contract as mentioned above. Maybe I'm missing something but I can't see any way of signing up in the "my account" section for the lower charges, which you could do with the previous price reduction in 2006.
Correction: Received an e mail from UTV to say that the €16.99 mentioned above applies to the 2mbps bb with UTV talk included. Without UTV talk the cost is €19.99 per month for the 2mbps bb .