Utilities connections pre-snagging


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I'm buying my first home in a new development, and have been told by the builders that the house is ready for snagging.
When I asked the foreman when the gas & electricity will be connected (essential for snagging), I was told to contact the developer for a reference number for the house, and I am then to call the ESB myself and get them to install the meter (in my name) - as the builders don't want to be landed with a large bill (their words!) The gas I was told would be turned on a few days before I get the keys.
Should both not be up and running already- as snagging should be done on a live system. I would have thought that the ESB and gas should only be put into my name when I get the keys to the house, and after they have run certified tests?

Is this the standard procedure as they suggest, or a case of chancing their luck? Thanks.
I think it's standard enough-we had to apply for a connection long before we did our snag. Insist that there is electricity and gas switched on before you sign though.
It is the builders responsibility to make sure the ESB is connected.
Make sure it is before any final snagging.
No question!
Well we had to organise ours to be connected AFTER we had snagged, which realistically was stupid, and I never would have agreed to it if we hadn't been at the end of a rental and under pressure to move house.

Just if the builder does end up connecting it for you, please ensure you get a meter reading before you move in and make sure that the builder will be taking care of the bill for his usage. A family member of mine had a problem when the builder had syphoned the meter for street lighting and they received a four figure bill not long after they had moved into a new home. Fair enough it was sorted, but that's heart stopping when you've just moved!!!!
Mo3art, good tip thanks! They could try that on when they mentioned 'large bills'. I'll make sure to get that understood first before I do anything. You can't be too trusting!!
We had to contact the ESB ourselves a long time before snagging to have to account set up. They insist on having a name on the bill. We told our builder that he was responsible for any ESB bills before we moved in.
In the end the first bill was about 3 euro, so it wasn't worth arguing over.